Change DNS/Hosting Info (Modify Domain Name Server & IP addresses)
Name Server Management (Add Edit and Delete Name Servers)
Check Transfer Status (View status of recently submitted transfers)
Enable URL Forwarding (Point domains to an existing web site)
Enable Email Forwarding (Forward email to an existing address)
Renew Your Domains (Extend registration term up to 10 years)
Disable Renewal Notices (Disable renewal emails and allow domains to expire)
Change/Update Information
Edit/Manage Contact Handles (Edit information in contact handles)
Assign Domain Contacts (Change admin, billing & technical contacts)
Ownership Change (Change the registrant information or owner)
Update Account Information (Change address, credit card, email info)
Change Your Password
View Your Domains (View a detailed list of all your domains)
Sort/Group Your Domains (Sort by category, date, alphabetically)
Register New Domains
Transfer Registrars (Automatically extends term for 1 year)
Log Out